Teaching Resources
- Probability, Statistics, and Data: A Fresh Approach Using R: Textbook for a calculus based introductory statistics course with a data science emphasis.
- Slides for The Aperiodic Monotile, math club talk.
- Slides for Numbers in Clay, sample History of Math lecture.
- Slides for Standards Based Grading, colloquium at SLU, Jan 26, 2024.
- Slides for Using R: ggplot2 and dplyr, SLU 1818 Statistics Day, Nov 17, 2017.
- Materials for the workshop Learning to Teach Introductory Statistics with R, Sep. 28, 2017 at FTTC.
- Materials for the workshop Using R for introductory statistics.
- Math and the Art of M.C. Escher online textbook.
- Slides from my MathFest 2015 talk about student art from Math and the Art of M.C. Escher
- SLU Math Team: Training material and history.
- Symmetry at the Cathedral - a page dedicated to symmetry groups found at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis.
- Here's a sheet of printable aperiodic "hat" monotiles and the R code to make it.
Recreational Math
- Slides for a talk about the logarithm of two: log2-mar-2015.pdf.
- X Goes First: Wild Tales of a Tic-Tac-Toe Grandmaster, published in Math Horizons, Vol 21, No. 4, April 2014.
- Slides for a talk about Tic-Tac-Toe:
Pictures of all legal and rational moves, up to symmetry.
Articles for Strange Horizons
Strange Horizons is an online magazine of speculative fiction. I wrote a series of general interest mathematics articles which appeared in the magazine.
The Fourth Dimension (Sep. 2002)
(or, try the Portugese translation. Thanks, Marcelo!) - Folding (Mar. 2002)
- Steganography: How to Send a Secret Message (Oct. 2001)
- The Biggest Numbers in the Universe (Apr. 2001)
- Habitrails and Asteroids: Topology From the Inside (Jan. 2001)
Course Web Pages
- Math 120: College Algebra
- Math 130: Elementary Statistics with Computers
- Stat 1300: Elementary Statistics with Computers
- Math 132: Survey of Calculus
- Math 142: Calculus I
- Math 1520: Calculus II
- Math 1660: Discrete Mathematics
- Stat 2300: Intermediate Statistics
- Math 244: Calculus III
- Math 266: Principles of Mathematics
- Math 320: Numerical Analysis
- Math 355: Differential Equations
- Math 370: Advanced Math For Engineers
- Stat 3850: Foundations of Statistics
- Math 403: Probability and Statistics for Engineers
- Math 4050: History of Mathemaitcs
- Math 451: Complex Analysis I
- Math 452: Complex Analysis II
- Stat 4840/5084: Time Series
- Stat 4880/5088: Bayesian Statistics and Statistical Computing
- Math 593: Graphs and Markov Chains
- Math 641-2: Differential Geometry I-II
- CS 150: Object Oriented Programming
- CS 220: Computer Science II
- EE/CS 305: Microprocessors
- CSCI 3500: Operating Systems
- CSCI 3820: Computer Graphics
- Math 110-111 (U. of Chicago, 1995-6).