Stat 4840/5084

Time Series


General Information

Forecast Contest Scoreboard


  • Nathan's hot dog eating contest: nathans.csv. (Source: Wikipedia)
  • Ocean bacteria in the Bay of Biscay: biscay-bacteria.csv. (Source: Moran et. al, More, smaller bacteria in response to ocean's warming?)
  • Google search interest in the term 'skiing' in the U.S. and New Zealand since 2004. skiing-us-nz.csv (Source: Google Trends)
  • SLU Calculus 1 enrollments: calc1-enrollment.csv
  • Mississippi river flow at St. Louis Missouri: mississippi-discharge.csv. (Source: USGS National Water Information System)
  • CO2 levels at Mauna Loa, the Keeling curve: co2_mm_mlo.csv. (Source: NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory)
  • Top games on Steam, 2012-2021: steam.csv. (Source: Kaggle, Steam Monthly Player Data)
  • Arabica and Robusta Coffee beans: Coffee_train.csv and Coffee_test.csv. (Source: UCR Time Series Classification Archive, originally from Briandet, Kemsley, Wilson, 1996)
  • Ford engine noise: FordA_train.csv and FordA_test.csv. (Source: UCR Time Series Classification Archive)
  • Brucellosis cases in China: brucellosis.csv. (Source: BMC Infectious Diseases)
  • Portal player counts from Steam: portal.csv. (Source: Kaggle)
  • Sea surface temperatures in El Nino regions of the South Pacific: sst.csv (Source: NOAA Climate Prediction Center)