MATH 266
Principles of Mathematics
(Updated Fall 2009)
The class is over.
Practice problems for the Final Exam
The modular arithmetic handout in class is two sections from Bruce Ikenaga's number theory notes. He also has a section on the RSA public key algorithm. The sections are:
Some sample questions for Exam 2 from class on Monday 11/2.
A handout on divisibility problems.
A handout on propositional calculus.
General Information
- Course: Math 266-02 Principles of Mathematics
- Meets: MWF 10:00-10:50 in Ritter 200.
- Instructor: Dr. Bryan Clair
- Syllabus: syllabus.pdf
- Textbook: D. Smith, M. Eggen, R. St. Andre, A Transition to Advanced Mathematics (6ed).
Homework Assignments
- 1. Due Friday, 9/4:
Ch 1.1 # 5, 7, 8d, 12
Ch 1.2 # 8bcfi, 9, 10, 11
Problem A & B
(PDF Version)
- 2*. Due Wednesday, 9/9
- Do problems 1.4 # 7g, 7j. Each on a separate sheet. You'll be giving
these to a classmate for critique.
- 2. Due Friday, 9/18
- Ch 1.4 # 7dhi, 6b, 8, 9a
Ch 1.5 # 3dh, 7a, 11
Ch 1.3 # 7, 10
Ch 1.6 # 1dh, 2a, 4, 5bde
Ch 1.7 # 3
Problem A.
Also, attach your critique of your classmate's work on 1.4#7gj.
(PDF Version)
- 3. Due Friday, 10/2
- Ch 2.1 # 5, 8, 11, 14
Ch 2.2 # 10af, 11abc, 12c, 13b, 14bc, 15
Ch 2.3 # 5b, 9, 11c, 13
Problems A, B, C.
(PDF Version)
- 4. Due Friday, 10/16
- Ch 2.4 # 8cdikstu, 9bf, 13
Ch 2.5 # 3a, 4, 9, 12, 14b
- 5. Due Friday, 10/30
- Ch 1.7 # 9ab, 11af. Note: #8 in this chapter is not due, but is an important exercise.
Ch 2.5 # 5b
Ch 3.1 # 11abce
Ch 3.2 # 2, 4cfj, 8, 9, 13, 15
- 6. Due Friday, 11/13
- Modular arithmetic problems on a handout.
- 7. Due Monday, 11/30
- Ch 4.2 # 14fh, 15be
Ch 4.3 # 4, 6, 8, 10, 13
Ch 4.4 # 10, 11ac, 12, 14abc, 17