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CSCI 3820

Computer Graphics

(Updated Spring 2016)


This course is over.

Student work

All student project pages and final projects are here: CSCI 3820 student work 2016

General Information

  • Spring 2016 Meets: TR 9:30-10:45 in RH 117
  • Instructor: Dr. Bryan Clair
  • Syllabus: syllabus.pdf
  • Textbook: Angel and Shreiner, Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with WebGL (7th Edition), Addison-Wesley, 2015.


Demo programs from class

Textures, Models



  • 1/12: Angel, Chapter 1
  • 1/21: Angel, Chapter 2.4-2.7. Learn about polygons, triangulation, color, projection, clipping, viewport, aspect ratio.
  • 1/26: Angel, Chapter 9. Learn about modeling and the scene graph.
  • 2/2: Angel, Chapter 4.3, 4.7-4.10. Coordinate systems, transformation matrices.
  • 2/4: Angel, Chapter 5-5.7. The camera model.
  • 2/11: Angel, Chapter 7.3-7.5. Textures and filtering.
  • 2/23: Angel, Chapter 6. Lighting and shading.
  • 3/15: Angel, Chapter 7.7-7.9. Environment, reflection, normal maps.
  • 3/29: Angel, Chapter 12.1-12.3. Ray-tracing.

Programming Assignments

Due at midnight.
  1. Due Tuesday 1/19 (pa1.pdf): HTML5 canvas programming with JavaScript. forest, signal, bounce.
  2. Due Tuesday 2/2 (pa2.pdf): three.js object modeling. table, sierpinski, orrery.
  3. Due Tuesday 2/9 (pa3.pdf): views. Written portion (pa3-written.pdf): some matrix transformation math.
  4. Due Thursday 2/18 (pa4.pdf): Loading models and using textures. teapot, train.
  5. Due Thursday 3/3 (pa5.pdf): Phong shader.
  6. Due Tuesday 3/22 (pa6.pdf): Still life.
The final project is due Tuesday, May 3 at midnight.
