Introduction to Object Oriented Programming

MTWF 9:00-9:50, Ritter 225
Dr. Bryan Clair,, 977-3043.
Office Hours
Ritter 110. M 12-1, Tu 10:30-11:30, F 10-11 or by appointment.
Goldwasser, Letscher, Object-Oriented Programming in Python, 1ed.
Official site. Errata.
I give makeup exams only for severe and documented reasons.
Exam 1:Friday, September 30
Exam 2:Friday, November 11
Final Exam:Monday, Dec. 19, 8am-9:50am
Programming Assignments
The largest component of this course will be a substantial number of programming assigments. These will generally be due Tuesdays at midnight, and are to be handed in electronically using the handin system for this course. Programs sent by email will not be given credit.
Late assignments lose 5% after midnight, an additional 5% after twenty-four hours, and 1% per day thereafter.
Written Homework
There will be occasional written homework, which should be submitted in class, on paper. I score written homework +, ✓, 0. Late homework is always accepted for a ✓, but you won't get any comments.
Grading is weighted as follows:
Programming projects50%
Written homework5%
Exam 110%
Exam 210%
Final Exam25%
Grading is on a straight scale (uncurved), with 90%, 80%, 70%, and 60% guaranteeing A-, B-, C-, D- respectively.
SLU Policies
In particular, for this course, code you submit as solutions to the programming assignments must be written by you. You are not allowed to copy code from online or textual sources, or from other students.