MTA142-04 Calculus 1 Fall 2003
Information Sheet
Class meets MTWF 1:10-2:00 in Ritter Hall 200.
Instructor Bryan Clair
Office Ritter Hall 110. 977-3043.
Office Hours Tu12-1, W3-4, F12-1, or by appointment. If youÕre not coming to office hours, youÕre missing out on a valuable resource.
Textbook Hughes-Hallett & friends, Calculus (3ed).
Calculator A graphing calculator is required. We will use the calculator in class, on homework assignments, and during exams. The TI-83 or TI-82 is strongly recommended - I will be using the TI-83 in demonstrations.
Homework Homework will be due weekly, usually on Fridays. Your work should be neat and legible. Cooperation is encouraged, but write up results separately.
Late homework is always accepted, but I will not write comments and will automatically give a score of 5 (out of 10) if the work is of reasonable quality.
Quizzes There will be six 10-minute quizzes. I will drop your lowest score, so there will be no makeup quizzes.
Exams I give makeup exams only for severe and documented reasons.
Exams will all be in our usual room, RH 102.
Exam 1 Tuesday, September 23
Exam 2 Tuesday, October 28
Final Friday, December 12, 12:00-1:50pm
There will be a ÒgatewayÓ exam on differentiation skills. You will be allowed to take the gateway as many times as you need to pass it (up until the final day of the semester). Failing to pass the gateway will result in the loss of an entire letter grade.
Grading Grading is on a straight scale (uncurved), with 90%,80%,70%,60% guaranteeing A,B,C,D respectively. Grading is weighted as follows:
Homework 20%
Quizzes 5%
Midterm 1 20%
Midterm 2 20%
Final Exam 35%
Cheating Students are expected to be honest in their academic work. Cheating is reported to the dean and may result in probation, expulsion, or worse.