CSA220-01                                           Computer Science II                                          Spring 2004

Information Sheet

Class meets       MWF 1:10-2:00 in Shannon Hall 118 (the Patel Lab).

Instructor         Bryan Clair

Email                   bryan@slu.edu

Office                  Ritter Hall 110.  977-3043.

Office Hours     MW12-1, Th2-3 or by appointment, or after class.

Textbook            Data Abstraction & Structures using C++, Headington & Riley is required.

Computer           You will have an account on the Linux machine patel2.slu.edu.  See the course website for details of access.

Web Page            The web page for this course is http://euler.slu.edu/~clair/cs220

                              It contains general course information, copies of homework assignments, and links to web resources that we will use in and out of class.

Exams                  I give makeup exams only for severe and documented reasons.

                              Midterm 1             Thursday, Oct. 16

                              Midterm 2             Thursday, Oct. 16

                              Final Exam            Friday, May 7, 12-1:50.

Homework          Written homework will be due weekly, usually on Wednesdays.  I score written homework +, Ã, or 0.  Late homework is always accepted for a Ã, but you won't get any comments.

                              Programming assignments will be due at midnight, handed in electronically.  Late assignments lose 5 points, then one point per day after that.  IÕll always accept them for some credit.

Grading              Grading is weighted as follows:

                                          Programming assignments              50%

                                          Written homework                         10%

                                          Midterms                                       20% (10 each)

                                          Final Exam                                      20%

                              Grading is on a straight scale (uncurved), with 90%, 80%, 70%, and 60% guaranteeing A, B, C, D respectively.

Cheating             Students are expected to be honest in their academic work.  Cheating is reported to the dean and may result in probation, expulsion, or worse.